Month: January 2013

  • laundry


    that is what I am doing today. How about you?

  • Animus

    My son’s Diabetes supplies for his pump come from Animus. They usually send his supplies after I order them promptly but this month we changed insurance.

    Here Aaron is with his infusion set site in his tummy.

    This is a subcutaneous site to pump insulin into his system 24/7 to live.

    The insurance company wants to evaluate his case to see if he needs pump supplies. This irks me to NO END! A doctors order is not enough for these people? Anyway Animus sent us free samples to keep us afloat until they approve the order for a months worth of supplies.

    How nice of them.

    How irritating for us to have to wait so long.

    Why is it that they couldn’t have set us up earlier with an approval before when they knew we were coming on as clients to their company  in December? No we had to wait until they had us totally on board.

    AND between the two services too we were dropped for 1 month. WHAT? I am so ticked by Medical insurance companies. And this is why we need the reform. Because given a choice to do the right thing, they choose the money thing.




  • Meanwhile back at my house..

    Memow: “Mommy did you see all them birdies??”

    :) Ha! Birdies are just harassing the poop out of my cat.

  • the way things go


    I really wonder how much things are predetermined for a person. Yes I am a calvinist. I think people are given a path to walk on by the creator. It makes sense when you think about you have no choices in where you are born and who your parents are in life. So much is predetermined for you once you are born.  

    One thing occurred to me the other day is I am really bound to stay with my family in Delaware even though my hearts desire is to move to Canada. With all that goes on I see the path before me and I need to make peace with it. Hubby is never going to move out of the USA unless he gets sent by his job. Canada is not so far in the options. 

    Another thing happened yesterday too that made me think again along these lines. I wanted to join that protest so badly at the mall. Remember in my last post? Well G-d had other plans I believe. My kids went to the doctor Friday and I knew the were both pretty sick but I figured I could go alone. Nope! I started to get a sore throat and chills yesterday morning. I only had energy to shop for groceries and was clearly done for the day. :( Plus my medicine wheel earrings I wore both fell out of my ears and got lost while shopping. I took that for a sign. I am superstitious like that. 

    It was in my mind loud and clear, I was not supposed to go. I wondered why but I might never know until I find out in the afterlife. 

    I really believe God directs your life.

    What about you? Do you ever see the choices were made for you outside your own will that you felt forced to follow?

    I am still trying to make peace with that.

  • Today on the news

    I heard that Type 1 diabetes is on the rise. They found a link through a virus they believe caused by a polluted environment.

    This made me so sad and mad.

    My son has Type 1 Diabetes or “Juvenile” diabetes. if anyone didn’t know. It is irreversible unlike type 2. We call it T1D)

    Aaron has had T1D since he was 6 years old in Kindergarten. It has been a rough time for him emotionally and mentally. I try so hard to let him escape his reality with activities and fun but it hits him hard when we have major issues. Like this week for example. I get called almost once a day by his school nurse because of him having out of control Blood Glucose levels. He corrects it and tries to move on but it makes him so sluggish and tired then he misses a lot of class time at the nurses office for every situation with his diabetes. Situations which are everyday.

    Yesterday I had to pick him up  for having Ketones in his urine. It was at a moderate level so that was not good.  I had to call a neighbor to give me a ride to go and pick him up. I was so glad she could. Aaron gets violently ill when he has Ketones in his system. Ketones are caused by his blood glucose levels being too high. We figured out today why it was happening. His dad came home from work and took him to the doctor. Aaron has an ear infection. Yes a normal kid problem compounded by Type One diabetes. This is only ONE example of the junk this kid has to deal for the rest of his natural life.

    So you can see why I am becoming more and more adamant about environmental issues. Even if you don’t believe in Science and Climate change you can see we have a problem with Pollution. How are we going to be healthy in the future if there is no clean earth to plant  or unpolluted water to drink? I don’t want another child having to suffer with this disease!

    This post I saw on Facebook hit home with me….

    I am really concerned about the Keystone Pipeline that they have proposed to run across the USA and Canada. What the FRACK? EVERYONE should care to Protect our Earth. Your own life depends on it.

    So What is a this simple stay at home house wife going to do? PROTEST! Yes tomorrow is an Idle No More protest at the Mall. I want my voice to be heard for my Grandchildren’s future.

    Yeah I know I said I wasn’t gong to “Drum” up more stuff about Idle No More but this is more than a cause for rights for Native American and Canadian Indians. It is about keeping the Reservations in Native Control which means NO Pipelines, No fracking and No more Land development that destroys Nature. Nature God commands us to take care of in Genesis.

    That is where I stand today. Lets try and save this Earth for our future generations.



  • Saturday Oddness

    Saturday we had time before going in to see Hubbies family in Far Rockaway NY. His brother and family are very religious and we had to wait for the sun to go down before arriving. Since we had plenty of time arriving in the City at 4pm, we drove into the east side or East Village of NYC to check out this store Obscura, Antiques and Oddities. We parked on the street and walked over to have a look.

    We watch the TV show Oddities that this store is showcased on. Link Here>>>>Science Channel: Oddities

    It is actually a new location that the store moved to so the shop looked different than the show but they still had all that creepy stuff in it.

    Hubby took a shot of the store front for me.

    Not the best picture but I was kind of weirdly intimidated and didn’t take a picturewhatevah. We bought a Bee in a glass marble and a fake shrunken head key-chain for the boys, touristy stuff! :) While we were there, a bunch of young men came in and bought a skull for like 700 dollars. Yeah we were not about to buy that kind of thing. LOL

    I don’t know why I find this show really entertaining but I do. And I could say I am a small fan but not big enough to ask for an autograph apparently. We saw Evan from the TV show but I was way too shy to ask for  even a photo. :( Yeah I am odd like that. silly  The boys enjoyed looking around too but were not as taken in by the whole reality show celebrity thing like I was. LOL

    We finished the time walking around and shopping at other shops around. We really liked this one shop called Alphabets. And then ate a place called Bad Burger. Yes it lived up to its name. LOL The Guys liked it but I was not impressed.

    I think we go somewhere different every time we go to NYC. There is so many things to see and do there I should make a list.


  • NY Hall of science

    On Sunday we visited the New York hall of science.

    We meet up with Hubbies brother there with the preschool aged niece and nephew.

    Aaron out front.

    Leif didn’t go because he didn’t feel good.

    This was a neat pulley activity. It was very hands on and they had activities for most displays.

    Aaron making a giant fan move.

    They had so many activities but the place was packed full of people and their kids. Aaron liked the bubble fun.

    This was really neat, a wall of bubble art. Pop it’s done!


    This was a really cool exhibit. It was about the fact that Race has No DNA. You have the machine take your picture and then map your face to change it to look like another race. You have to pick a race to be your base race and the machine didn’t have Native American Indian so I said I was white. It didn’t even look like me. I pushed Asian and it looked more like I do. HA! But I like this picture of me looking Middle eastern. :)   I make a Hot middle-eastern momma. HAHA!

    It was a really fun day.




  • Baby Mocs

    I got out my needle and thread and made my new baby niece a pair of felt moccasins.

    I think they turned out so cute!

    But the best was getting to hold my new niece this weekend.

    Aaron is just like his momma. Loves babies. :)

    Made me really sad at first that I cannot have another myself and told my husband. But then watching how tired her mom looked I recanted. Yep I will wait for grandbabies I guess and the other babies that may come into my arms through family. I could sleep all night, shower and eat dinner without a crying baby. I was kind of glad all over again not to have one.

    Well just big ones called Leif and Aaron LOL.



  • NDN babies

    I had to share all these precious Native children pictures. :)

    I could not agree more.

    This baby is in a Tikinagan. So Cute. I have one I was in as a baby. I should show pictures of it but I have to find them :)

    I approve this message. :)


    I liked this even if it isn’t preachy. :) Baby learning the hoop dance.

    Not that I know if any are related to me I got them off the internet from my cousin.


  • crazy NUTS

    I am really reeling from a friend of mine posts on facebook. I am in awe at the idea that she thinks that Sandy Hook was

    a set up.


    Sad world we live in that they are so paranoid people will believe all kinds of things.